Friday, January 31, 2014

Yep, another cat.

I just can't stop myself.  He's so fun to draw.
Sketched in Photoshop.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Adventure kitties

I am pondering a story for these characters.  Is this something you'd like to see? =)

Flaming kitty

Ink and colored pencil sketch of my cat.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Babies at the zoo!

Babies at the zoo!!!  I had a special time at the Oregon Zoo yesterday with my sketchbook.  The baby otter was out with mom, playing in a freshly dropped pile of snow and getting swim lessons. After was a wrestle fest in the den to get dry and warm. 

Another few animals caught my attention between that and when I reached the lion cubs.  Then I spent the rest of my time drawing with the cubs!

I hardly did the cuteness justice.  Drawing live lion cubs playing in the rain (they were caked with mud, by the way) is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Thank you Oregon Zoo! 

Season's greeting cards

I made a few season's greetings cards for a few (lucky?) people this year, each of which was an individual watercolor painting.  This is my lovely 6-foot ficus that got decorated for Christmas instead of a traditional evergreen. Each card turned out a little different.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


These first three are based on photos found on the Humans of New York website. A great source for portrait inspiration!

I have a dream to make paintings of tasty food.  What better object of choice than sushi?

All of these are done in watercolor on the pages of a 9" x 6" watercolor sketchbook.  Pretty small.

Animated Arts PDX gesture extravaganza

Animated Arts PDX proved once again to be a super unique drawing experience! (Event held 1/3/13) 

From the sketchbook

My charming little niece Penelope.  She very clearly understood that this was a portrait of her.

Studies of kitties from photos. Can't go wrong with that.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Zombie Fairy-- Officially complete!

My latest finished short film, Zombie Fairy, is officially complete!  It has been in the works for nearly 3 years. I am in the process of sending it to festivals and I will update this blog when I've found out when and where it's showing.  Here are some production shots to get you teased!  (Please do not re-post these images anywhere without my express permission)

December Zoo Sketch outing

December 2013 zoo sketch outing with Drink & Draw in Portland